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Recently, Sara was diagnosed with a debilitating illness that, though non-life threatening, put her next pregnancy at risk. Sara's illness made her incapable of holding light objects let alone a baby. She was unable to walk up stairs, go shopping, take care of the children.

Left on her own, Sara's pregnancy was at significant risk. Fortunately, Sara had been in continued contact with her Just One Life Social Worker and apprised her of the situation. Just One Life immediately put together a team of volunteers to assist Sarah during her time of need and a professional Social worker to help her through this difficult period.

Several months later, a beautiful healthy baby girl was born. Today, her children ages 7 and 9 are happy healthy wonderful children who in Sara own words, "are the light of my life. Despite everything that I have endured, when I see these two beautiful human beings, I know that I am blessed and I thank G-d every day that for the privilege and awesome responsibility of being their mother."

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