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Chaya Katzin - Director, & JOL/NAB Therapist Team

Chaya Katzin - Director, & JOL/NAB Therapist Team

COVID Struggles at Just One Life/ Nefesh Achat B’Yisrael

Atara Block

News From our Israel Team

With the support of our generous donors, Just One Life/ Nefesh Achat B’Yisrael has always been at the forefront of supporting pregnant women in Israel during their time of need. But this year, that definition grew to include more women and more needs than we ever could have anticipated… 

We are so thankful for the help that we have been able to provide to these expectant mothers and their families at their greatest time of need. At a time when the whole world is struggling, it has been our greatest honor and privilege to join with our supporters in offering a small beacon of light and hope to each and every expectant mother and family who is referred to us.

However, with all the success we have seen, we cannot help but think ahead to all the work that still needs to be done. We would love to be able to offer more support for women whose pregnancies and births have been affected by COVID-19. We would love to send them care packages that can help these mothers better care for themselves and their babies. With the upcoming holidays, we would like to be able to provide more financial and support to help our families make it through

We thank you for your loyal support and hope that we can count on your continued partnership.