Pregnant women in crisis are referred to us by various social agencies and organizations from around the country. Often our clients struggle with a variety of challenges associated with their pregnancies including complications due to unexpected and/or high-risk pregnancies and/or related or pre-existing medical, psychological and emotional conditions and financial difficulties. Often, as a result of the overwhelming circumstances they find themselves in, our clients also experience anxiety, ambivalence, fear, loneliness, helplessness and the like.
We work to provide a support system set up to empower, each and every client, by providing them with a multitude of diverse, yet complementary services while working to help them learn skills to overcome what often seem to be insurmountable and overwhelming challenges.
Encourage positive parenting skills that enable healthy attachment to the children. The workshop is based on 'Attachment Theory' and serves to teach and promote a higher self-image, better child care and superior nutrition
This workshop is built on the 'Empowerment & Strengths Perspective' and focuses on positive moments and challenges the mother based on her appreciation and assessment of the 'good moments'. A portion of time is allotted to teaching and learning powerful life skills.
This workshop endeavors to draw the connection between the mind and the body during the high-stress periods of pregnancy. Techniques are learned to reduce the pressure and anxiety of those moments during and post-pregnancy
Our clinical social workers offer therapy to clients that live locally. We employ CBT (Cognitive Behavior Therapy), and Mindfulness, Mind-Body, and other psychodynamic techniques and methods.
We provide our clients with counseling and emotional support through phone calls, home visits, therapeutic support sessions and group work.
We provide clients with financial aid (according to pre-established parameters and per each client’s specific circumstances) to help defray the expenses of having a new baby and improve the mother’s health, including by lessening the added emotional burden of dire financial straits in the otherwise already overwhelming circumstances.
We advocate for our clients as required, including working with municipal agency social workers who are often overwhelmed with extremely heavy caseloads and require gentle reminders to provide our clients with the optimal care they deserve and desperately need.
Knowledge is power. We maintain a library where our clients can find relevant reading material to prepare for their upcoming births.
Additionally, we keep up to date on evolving social policies regarding pregnant mothers and ever-changing resources available to them by attending conferences and seminars and inviting experts and workers in the relevant fields to educate our staff on the services they provide.
A very important part of our work is referring our clients to relevant municipal and other agencies and organizations that have the resources and systems in place to assist our clients through their specific challenges (for example shelters for women experiencing domestic violence, agencies that support women going through difficult divorces, programs that provide vocational education etc.).
Our dedicated staff and volunteers make home visits to clients experiencing high-risk pregnancies who are unable to leave home to receive the support they so desperately need.
Our social workers facilitate workshops and groups focusing on providing clients with techniques and tools to cope with their individual challenges. Pregnancy can be a worrisome time for any expectant mother. Group settings allow our clients to feel supported in a safe environment while we work to ensure that each client feel empowered to explore and realize her own strengths and goals.
We distribute baby clothing and blankets to clients experiencing difficult financial circumstances. We receive generous donations of baby clothing and blankets from all over the world, both new (including clothing and blankets lovingly made by devoted knitting groups), and also gently used, generously donated by mothers who feel the need to support other mothers less fortunate than they.
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